Mothers have successfully fed their children for thousands of years of human history without understanding how it works. It’s a bit like driving a car – as long as it’s working well, you don’t need to know what is going on under the bonnet! If you are having breastfeeding problems, such as low … [Read more...] about How milk production works
How to increase your milk supply
Is your milk supply really low? New mothers who are learning to breastfeed often worry that they might not be making enough milk for their baby. Their breasts might stop feeling full and their baby might sometimes be unsettled, or not want to be put down between feeds. There are many reasons for … [Read more...] about How to increase your milk supply
Exclusively Expressing Breastmilk for Your Baby
When babies cannot feed at the breast comfortably and effectively, and breastfeeding support is hard to find or not able to help, mothers may choose to use a breast pump to express all the milk their baby needs, and then feed via a bottle or feeding tube. This is known as exclusive pumping. While … [Read more...] about Exclusively Expressing Breastmilk for Your Baby
Getting breastfeeding on track after a difficult start – the “3 Keeps”
When you have early breastfeeding problems, it can feel as if it’s “all gone wrong” and the dreams you had about feeding your baby are in ruins. Fortunately, babies are very adaptable and resilient, and so are their mothers! With time, patience and, if necessary, skilled help, it is almost always … [Read more...] about Getting breastfeeding on track after a difficult start – the “3 Keeps”
Feeding late preterm babies
What is a “late preterm” baby? Late preterm babies are usually defined as those born between 34 and 36 weeks gestation. Because these babies are often well - most don’t need to spend time in Special Care - and because they look like full-term babies (just a bit smaller), it’s often assumed that … [Read more...] about Feeding late preterm babies
Bottles and other tools
Feeding breastmilk other than at the breast When the nursing mother and baby are separated or the baby cannot feed at the breast, they may need another way of taking breastmilk. These tips assume that your baby is being fed expressed breastmilk. If this is not available, please check with your … [Read more...] about Bottles and other tools
What legal rights do breastfeeding mothers have when returning to paid employment?
Many women plan to return to paid work in the months following the birth of a baby, either through choice or necessity. Knowing your rights and planning ahead can help you continue to breastfeed after your return. What are the options? • If a woman has worked for an employer for at least 26 weeks … [Read more...] about What legal rights do breastfeeding mothers have when returning to paid employment?
Successfully breastfeeding your premature baby
You may be reading this because you have a preterm baby, or because you are expecting to deliver your baby before full term and you want to be prepared. Perhaps you're supporting someone who has recently had a preterm baby. Whatever your situation then we hope this information will help to get … [Read more...] about Successfully breastfeeding your premature baby
Relactation and Induced Lactation
Ask any breastfeeding mother why she’s chosen to breastfeed. She’ll probably tell you about the benefits to herself, her baby and her family, as well as the joy and satisfaction of meeting her baby’s needs for food, protection and security through breastfeeding. Mothers who give up after a difficult … [Read more...] about Relactation and Induced Lactation
When Breastfeeding Ends Suddenly
Usually it’s possible to end breastfeeding gradually. However, a mother may find herself in a situation where she needs to stop breastfeeding straight away, for example to start treatment for a serious medical condition such as cancer, or, sadly, if her baby has died. Sudden weaning Stopping … [Read more...] about When Breastfeeding Ends Suddenly