Making the transition from using bottles, cups etc., to feeding at the breast There are lots of reasons babies might need more milk than they can get directly at the breast: They don’t have enough energy to do all the work of feeding. They may have been born early or small-for-dates, or are … [Read more...] about Weaning from Supplements
weight gain
How milk production works
Mothers have successfully fed their children for thousands of years of human history without understanding how it works. It’s a bit like driving a car – as long as it’s working well, you don’t need to know what is going on under the bonnet! If you are having breastfeeding problems, such as low … [Read more...] about How milk production works
How to increase your milk supply
Is your milk supply really low? New mothers who are learning to breastfeed often worry that they might not be making enough milk for their baby. Their breasts might stop feeling full and their baby might sometimes be unsettled, or not want to be put down between feeds. There are many reasons for … [Read more...] about How to increase your milk supply
Getting breastfeeding on track after a difficult start – the “3 Keeps”
When you have early breastfeeding problems, it can feel as if it’s “all gone wrong” and the dreams you had about feeding your baby are in ruins. Fortunately, babies are very adaptable and resilient, and so are their mothers! With time, patience and, if necessary, skilled help, it is almost always … [Read more...] about Getting breastfeeding on track after a difficult start – the “3 Keeps”
What’s in a nappy?
As new parents, we suddenly find ourselves examining our babies' poo more closely than we could ever have imagined. We pay attention to the colour, quantity, texture and smell, and notice the slightest changes. We then go to the internet looking for answers and fear the worst. There are many … [Read more...] about What’s in a nappy?
Signs of effective feeding in the early days
Most babies are keen to feed in the first 90 minutes after they are born especially if they are in skin-to-skin contact with their mum. If your baby is too sleepy to take this first feed or needs medical attention, it's a good idea to ask your healthcare team to show you how to hand express and … [Read more...] about Signs of effective feeding in the early days
Nursing Supplementers
If your baby needs a supplement of expressed breastmilk or formula, a nursing supplementer can help you enjoy the closeness of breastfeeding while your milk production increases. You can use a supplementer to: Stimulate breastmilk production while feeding infant formula or expressed mil, … [Read more...] about Nursing Supplementers
My baby needs more milk
Does your baby need more milk? How to know your baby is getting enough breastmilk Increasing your milk production If supplements are needed Feeding methods Expressing your milk Does your baby need more milk? Although most mothers are able to produce enough milk for their babies’ needs, you … [Read more...] about My baby needs more milk
While it’s good to have plenty of milk, some mothers produce more milk than their babies need. This is usually called oversupply. Some babies cope very well with a generous milk supply; however, others will be unhappy and uncomfortable even though they are gaining weight and appearing to thrive. … [Read more...] about Oversupply
Is My Baby Getting Enough Milk?
How do you tell if your baby is getting enough milk? In a world where everything is measured, it can be nerve-wracking when you can’t see how much milk your breasts are making. Follow your baby not the book Weight gain Dirty nappies How frequently are you breastfeeding? Sleepy … [Read more...] about Is My Baby Getting Enough Milk?