Ongoing news coverage about coronavirus / Covid-19 can be alarming and it is important to keep track of the most recent current guidance. If you’re breastfeeding, you may be worrying about whether you would be able to pass the illness on to your baby if you caught it yourself. Below are links to information and research which you may find helpful.
After some time of being suspended, many of our LLLGB groups are now back meeting in person. This will be different in different areas of GB and will vary between local groups as each group and volunteer Leader will have different personal circumstances. You can find more about your local group here.
We are also continuing to provide online support, and working to support families in safe ways. So if you need breastfeeding support and can’t find the information you need on this website, you can look for a local LLL Leader and group here or look for an online meeting in our calendar here. You can find out more about online meetings and how they are important for support here.
If you need breastfeeding support and can’t find the information you need on this website, you can look for a local LLL Leader to contact by phone here.
Resources on Covid-19 and breastfeeding
Women who are breastfeeding can have Covid-19 vaccinations that are currently authorised for use in the UK, if they wish to do so, if they meet the other conditions for receiving the vaccine as outlined by the UK Government.
Please look here for more about milk for your baby during the coronavirus pandemic.
Please see this page on the La Leche League International website, for information and infographics.
and from the World Health Organisation
Evidence suggests that mothers infected with Covid-19 and those who have received a Covid-19 vaccine pass their antibodies to the virus into their breastmilk, providing protective effects for the baby. For additional information and research about breastmilk and covid antibodies, this link from the Breastfeeding Network summarises current research.