Many families feel uneasy about sharing aspects of their parenting style with their Healthcare Professional, including their sleep arrangements. Others end up bed-sharing in a situation where it was unplanned but is the only response they can think of to soothe an upset baby and an exhausted mother. The “Safe Sleep Seven” leaflets set out how to plan safer shared sleep.
And even better, the leaflets cost only £3 for a pack of 100! You can order them here or simply download the file and use it as a poster, a handout, a discussion aid or in any other way it will facilitate open discussion with mums and mums to be. Why not share with us how you have used it on Facebook or twitter.
I need some sleep! is great to share with sleep deprived mums – it contains lots of ideas that have worked for others.
Safer Sleep and the Breastfed Baby
Letting Babies Cry – the Facts Behind the Studies
The Reasons Why Night Waking is the Biological Norm
Sleepy Baby – Why and What To Do
Professor Helen Ball, whose research in hospitals and the community examines sleep ecology and contributes to national and international policy and practice guidelines on infant care, wrote the preface to Sweet Sleep from LLLI, “the first and most complete book for making sane and safe decisions on how and where your family sleeps, backed by the latest research”.
“Bed-sharing is a common means by which new parents cope with the sleep disruption that is an inevitability of life with a new baby”.
You can read lots more about sleep and night-times in this post from La Leche League International.