Welcome to La Leche League Chilterns!
We offer support and information in Central and South Buckinghamshire through:
– Monthly Meetings in High Wycombe, where you can receive help and reassurance from an LLL Leader and meet other breastfeeding parents in the local area.
– Telephone or email help from a local accredited LLL Leader (see contacts below).
– A book lending library with books on breastfeeding and related subjects.
– A public Facebook page and private Facebook group for support between meetings.
Group Meetings We meet on the first Wednesday of the month from 11am. Feel free to come along if you need support or if you just fancy a chat and a cuppa with others who are also breastfeeding.
La Leche League services are free, but have you considered membership? You can find out more about becoming a LLL member here or just ask within a meeting.
- Email: [email protected]
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LLLChilterns
- Sophia 07916 977121: Please text first to arrange a phone call (with a short description of your breastfeeding issue)