- We offer online meetings 6 times a month – 1st Tues of the month 10am-noon, and the third Saturday of the month 9.30am – 11.30am, plus every Thursday afternoon between 1pm and 2.30pm. Join us for the whole meeting or just a bit, feel free to pop your video on or off and pop in and out as you need to.
We are currently using Zoom – this allows us to use video, audio or typed contact in our ‘meeting’ so you can still be part of a group even with social distancing measures in place. All nursing and pregnant mums welcome – join in from your bed / sofa with a cuppa, meet other mums and share your questions and ideas, or to access free and friendly support from our LLL Leaders. As always, our meetings are free of charge. We would be grateful for any donations to help LLLGB cover the costs of adding this software to the whole of the GB areas during this time, but all of our support is freely given by volunteers.
Up to the minute meeting info is available on Facebook where you can also check any of the above details with us!
Just fill out this form and we will send you the details of how to log into the meeting. https://forms.gle/s25zAKpucPVyxNEy7
You may want to download/set up zoom in advance.
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: http://lllwestlondon.weebly.com/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LllWestLondon
- 02085789403 - Kerrie