La Leche League GB is an affiliate of La Leche League International (LLLI).
LLLI is the largest voluntary women’s health organisation in the world.
LLL Europe
La Leche League International
Breastfeeding Today
LLL Europe
LLLGB is a member of the LLL European Council.
You can find articles, information and support on the LLL Europe website – it has contact details and links to LLL in 21 countries.
La Leche League International
The La Leche League International (LLLI) website has comprehensive breastfeeding resources,
To find out more about LLLI read our What We Do page.
Breastfeeding Today
Breastfeeding Today is the signature digital magazine of La Leche League International publishing stories, helpful referenced information, and reviews for all expectant parents, breastfeeding mothers, families, and supporters at every stage of parenting.
The new website format launched last summer enables readers to share stories and information easily and for free with the click of a button. Down the lefthand side of each post you have the option of sharing any individual article on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google or via email.
You can engage in the content too by commenting directly on the website below every post.
Please visit, explore, comment, contribute, and share what is there! Help us reach our global audience! It is a free resource for everyone everywhere. Write to [email protected].
The Breastfeeding Today Article Index is listed in English and Spanish.