La Leche League Great Britain (LLLGB) is committed to serving everyone – mothers, parents, families – in a way that is inclusive of all races, ethnicities, religions, sexes, national origins, ancestries, ages, marital statuses, physical or mental abilities, socio-economic statuses, political views, gender identities, sexual orientations, family structures, cultural values and beliefs.
LLLGB aims to make all services, volunteer and employment opportunities open and accessible to all, without discrimination on the grounds of age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, religion or belief, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity (‘protected characteristics’ under the Equality Act 2010). We oppose all forms of unfair and unlawful discrimination, and are committed to taking ongoing action to eradicate it when we find it. We aim for our services, volunteers and staff to reflect the richness and variety of communities across Great Britain. We want all who use our services, and all who deliver or support them, to be welcomed, valued and respected.
Families come in many shapes and sizes and it is important that our services are actively welcoming to all types.
LLLGB strives to implement our commitment to equity and representation in the following ways:
Putting inclusion at the heart of our decision making processes by providing practical tools for assessing the impact of our activities
Reviewing our policies, procedures and activities to establish that they contribute to a culture that is inclusive, welcoming and appropriate. If instances are found that may risk unfair or unlawful direct or indirect discrimination then challenging and changing these practices
Creating a culture where feedback is sought, considered, and acted upon. For external parties this is through the Comments, Compliments and Complaints Policy, for volunteers (Leaders) it is through the Grievance Policy. Where concerns relate to information which relates to suspected wrongdoing or dangers at work, all are able to raise concerns via our Whistleblowing Policy. These avenues are publicised via our public website, and in communications to Leaders and staff
Taking action, including disciplinary action, where we find that we have not met our own standards
Where complaints are made relating to to exclusion or discrimination, ensuring that these are dealt with promptly, thoroughly, and openly, and also that the person raising the issue is supported throughout without the fear of future victimisation
Ongoing inclusion training to all volunteers and staff
LLLGB is a non-sectarian single issue organisation dedicated to providing mother to mother, and parent to parent, support for breastfeeding. LLLGB recognises that inclusion is a human right and that to support this actively is not mixing causes.
This policy was published August 2020 and will be reviewed regularly. It is a complement to our ‘Approaches to Inclusion’ document.