The Council of Directors, LLLGB, acknowledges with sadness the death of Annette Chandler, member of LLL Havering; we send our condolences to Annette’s family and friends.
Since 14th June, LLLGB has received almost £1800 in Annette Chandler’s memory. We are grateful for the many individual donations making up this sum and would like to use the funds to support the accreditation of a La Leche League Leader in the Havering area and also to fund our ongoing work supporting LLL Leaders in Great Britain to support mums who breastfeed their babies.
Katie and Jill, Leaders of LLL Havering, said:
It was a great shock to learn of the sudden death of Annette Chandler on 14th June 2016.
Annette has been a valued member of LLL Havering Group for over seven years during which time she had three children who are now seven years, three years and one year old.
Annette not only helped mothers who came to our group but had also trained a number of years ago as a peer supporter in order to provide support to other breastfeeding mothers who came her way. She was a positive role model of the importance of mothering and breastfeeding.
Further to this, her passion for breastfeeding led her to become very involved with the local MSLC (Maternity Services Liaison Committee) hoping to make positive changes to breastfeeding policy in local hospitals and the community.
Annette was the sister-in-law of Johanne Mann, a founder Leader of Havering Group who sadly died prematurely 5 years ago.
We will all miss her very very much, particularly her sunny disposition, her sense of humour and her kindness to those around her.
Our thoughts are very much with Annette’s family at this very sad time.